Can your Business Benefit From a VPN

Data breaches are happening more and more often, cybercriminals are getting smarter, and the volume of compromised data is skyrocketing. But the main problem is that despite the widespread nature of all kinds of attacks, most companies are completely unprepared for them. Businesses need to think seriously about cybersecurity and take protective measures before a disaster happens.

Companies deal with important and confidential information every day, so when faced with today's threats, ensuring its security is a top priority. The most affordable approach is through a VPN for business.

What is a VPN

A VPN (Virtual Private Network) is an encrypted connection between two networks or between two separate clients and a network. This connection makes the Internet use completely anonymous and confidential. By hiding the user's IP address, an encrypted connection is established between the user's device and one or more servers, making it less likely to be tracked.

So, any VPN protects your online activities so that third parties can't see or steal traffic details and your data. There are two types of VPNs – corporate and consumer. Each type is used for different reasons. 

How are business VPNs different from consumer VPNs?

Consumer VPNs are mainly aimed at keeping web activities private. They encrypt the connection using servers located around the world and provide dynamic IP addresses that are shared by multiple users. Such VPNs provide secure access to the Internet while using public WiFi networks, allow access to services with geographic restrictions, etc. 

Businesses employ VPNs to protect corporate data and the company's network, keeping remote employees safe from cyber threats. It ensures secure access to company networks for hundreds or even thousands of remote employees. For example, they use them to connect offices at different locations. This is done by creating a permanent VPN tunnel that the IT department establishes between the VPN-enabled routers in both locations. This connection allows employees in different offices to see a common corporate network. Such VPNs are more secure than consumers’ due to their static IP addresses and performance settings.

Benefits from using VPN for business

Increased security. With the rapid adoption of digital technologies, security concerns continue to grow. If your company stores data in the cloud server or has offices globally, then a VPN service can provide you with security without investments in routing equipment. By deploying a VPN service to users' devices, you are essentially creating a secure connection to whatever resource they are logged into. While most of today's services offer built-in security measures, adding a VPN connection on your end can only increase the security of your business.

Access control. With VPN, users must authenticate before accessing corporate assets. Authentication helps to protect against unauthorized access. Even if the attacker gets access to network traffic he will see only encrypted data. 

Reduced risk of security breaches. Do not think that hacker attacks only affect large companies. 

Cyberattacks are occurring more frequently than ever before, and both small and mid-sized businesses are the victims as well. By using a VPN and keeping your employees away from public networks, you are taking a great step toward reducing the chance that your company will be the target of an attack. According to Accenture’s Cost of Cybercrime Study, 43% of cyberattacks are aimed at small businesses, but only 14% are prepared to defend themselves.

Corporate VPN – finding the best solution

So, how can you choose the best VPN for business to secure your team and assets? There are three main features of a business VPN:

  • Secure encryption: a guarantee of company privacy and security.
  • Fast and redundant network: a guarantee of high performance.
  • Special static IP address: a guarantee of access to the company's internal network or restricted data.

Whether you run a large business with multiple offices or manage a small team — you need to ensure important business information does not fall into the wrong hands. Cloud4Y specialists will be happy to help in finding a solution to protect your business online.

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author: John
published: 01/17/2022
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