Clean mail, always. Business email without spam, viruses, phishing and unwanted content.
Advanced Email Spam Protection Solution based on SpamTitan
Antispam for business blocks 99.9% of spam, malware and other email threats. It is a reliable antispam tool to deal with unwanted content and has several advantages over other solutions.Using advanced virus, phishing and spyware filtering technologies, the Cloud4Y filtering system scans your email, separating unwanted emails and security threats from normal email you need to do business. Messages that do not pass the filter are quarantined and can be removed in the future.
from 0,36$ per mailbox
- PROTECTION. Blocks 99% of spam, less than 0.03% of false alarms. Double anti-virus check.
- SIMPLE. Ready to run in 30 minutes. Automatic updates and backups. User-friendly interface.
- CLUSTER. Creating a clustered mail gateway - for load optimization.
- ADVANCED FEATURES. LDAP integration, SALS authentication, flexible access policy for users and administrators.
- REPORTING. Real-time reporting. Customizable reports and notifications.
- VIRTUAL MACHINE. Configurable and ready-to-install virtual machine.
How it works
With the anti-spam filter for corporate email, you will reduce the number of potentially dangerous and junk emails. This will help employees focus on their tasks and increase their productivity.
Cloud4Y Antispam Solution
- Effectively counteracts phishing and spoofing;
Protects against threats from spam e-mails;
Easy to set up and manage;
- Compatible with actual mail servers, including Microsoft Exchange.
Feature comparison of SpamTitan and other solutions.

Why trust Cloud4Y
14 years in cloud computing
Since 2009 the company successfully operates on the EMEA market.
Reliable infrastructure
4 TIER III data centers, Enterprise level hardware and software: HP, Cisco, Juniper, NetApp, VMware, Veeam, Microsoft, etc.
SLA 99.982%
Optical ring, MetroCluster and redundancy mechanisms guarantee fault tolerance of services up to SLA 99.99%.
Transparent Billing Options
Hourly billing and pay-as-you-go allow you to pay only for the resources consumed.
Geo-Distributed Backup
Automatic backup (14 restore points) in a separate remote data center.
Flexible scalability
You can add and reduce the amount of resources without the need to contact technical support service.
24/7 technical support
If any technical issue occurs, our team of experts is available round-the-clock, response time is 10 minutes.
Partner Program
Earn up to 35% of your annual contract. White Label is available.
Защитите почту уже сегодня. Подключение - бесплатно.
Оставьте заявку и наши сотрудники свяжутся с вами.
А также мы дадим вам 30 дней в подарок с момента подключения
Принципы работы решения «Антиспам»
С помощью расширенных тестов система фильтрации Cloud4Y сканируют вашу электронную почту,
отделяя нежелательную электронную почту и угрозы безопасности от электронной почты, которая нужна вам для ведения бизнеса.
Сравнительный анализ функционала SpamTitan и других решений.

Почему стоит доверять Cloud4Y
С 2009 года компания успешно работает на российском и иностранном рынках облачных услуг.
4 дата-центра уровня TIER III, оборудование и ПО от ведущих вендоров уровня Enterprise.
Оптическое кольцо, MetroCluster и механизмы резервирования позволяют гарантировать отказоустойчивость сервисов на уровне до SLA 99.99%
Почасовой биллинг и pay-as-you-go позволяют платить только за реально потребленные ресурсы.
Автоматическое создание резервной копии (14 точек восстановления) в отдельном геоудаленном ЦОД.
Увеличивайте и уменьшайте ресурсы без обращения в техподдержку.
Специалисты технической поддержки ответят в течении 10 минут на любой запрос.
Зарабатывайте с Cloud4Y до 40% от ежемесячных платежей клиента. White Label доступен.
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Why do you need the antispam solution?
About 90% of emails are spam. If there is no spam filter, people have to choose which emails relate to their business tasks and which are junk. On average, one employee spends up to 10 minutes of daily work time analyzing and deleting junk mail, which negatively affects the efficiency of work and can lead to financial losses for the company.
About 90% of emails are spam. If there is no spam filter, people have to choose which emails relate to their business tasks and which are junk. On average, one employee spends up to 10 minutes of daily work time analyzing and deleting junk mail, which negatively affects the efficiency of work and can lead to financial losses for the company.
How does anti-spam work for corporate email
Intelligent cloud-based spam filtering runs in real time, dramatically reducing inbound traffic with unwanted messages.
Intelligent cloud-based spam filtering runs in real time, dramatically reducing inbound traffic with unwanted messages.
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